Values and Ethics Education Bhakti Through Variety of Dewa Rejang Dance Movements for Children at Pasraman Pura Padma Bhuana Saraswati, Special Region of Yogyakarta
Rejang Dewa dance is a sacred or sacred dance that is performed during Hindu religious ceremonies as a medium to appreciate religious and cultural expressions, especially for children. The Rejang Dewa dance at the Padma Bhuana Saraswati Pasraman is part of teaching children the values of ethics and Bhakti which is the foundation in carrying out the social and religious life of the Hindu community, especially in the Yogyakarta area. This research is descriptive qualitative research using ethnographic methods. Through this research can be found the values of Character Education and Bhakti which is embodied in the movements of the Rejang Dewa Dance which consists of six series of dance structure patterns. The values of Virtue and Devotion in the Rejang Dewa Dance include Gotong-royong, Harmony, Balance in spiritual and physical life, being ready and alert in all gifts received, being sincere and havingBhakti and sharing, conviction on life that will surely end, and firmness in faith and determination to God Almighty. Teaching of Morals andBhakti which is deep in meaning but still fun in the learning process for children at Pasraman Padma Bhuana Saraswati Special Region of Yogyakarta.
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