Reconstruction Regulation of Minimum Health Service Standards for Natural Disaster Victims Based on the Value of Justice with Dignity
The issue of implementing the Minimum Health Service Standards for victims of natural disasters is certainly something that must be considered because it relates to the right to life of many people. The study discusses why the regulation of minimum public health service standards for victims of natural disasters has not been based on the value of dignified justice. What are the weaknesses in the regulation of the minimum public health service standard for victims of natural disasters based on the value of dignified justice? how to reconstruct the regulation of public health minimum service standards for victims of natural disasters based on the value of dignified justice. The purpose of this research is to analyze and find the minimum public health service standards for victims of natural disasters that are not based on the values of dignified justice, to analyze and find weaknesses in the regulation of the minimum public health service standards for victims of natural disasters based on the values of dignified justice, and to find and formulate the reconstruction of regulations on public health minimum service standards for victims of natural disasters based on the value of dignified justice. This type of non-doctrinal research and sociological-juridical approach, in which the types of primary data are in-depth interviews and secondary data are primary legal materials, secondary legal materials, and tertiary legal materials, The results of the study found that the implementation of the minimum health service standards has not been effective, as indicated by the lack of implementation of the minimum health service standards for victims of natural disasters. Minimal service to victims of natural disasters in legal substance There are many rules and operational standards that must be fully implemented in the handling of victims of natural disasters. From a legal perspective, it is necessary to have an adequate number of health workers and quality human resources in the form of integrity, capacity, independence, and professionalism. In terms of legal culture, rules are required to regulate and limit various types of activities aimed at disaster victims.
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