An Appraisal Theory Approach to Translate an Emotional Dimension in The Tell-Tale Heart
The study of translation technique with appraisal approach have been done by several researchers. However, the study of affect realitations has not been touched in detail. The affect realitations relates to the emotions that are being felt by someone or characters on the story. Thus, the translator must comprehend to the situational context especially on the emotional dimention. This study aimed to perceive the translator’s translation techniques for adjusting the realitation of affects to the target language. The data of this study were obtained from “The Tell-Tale Heart” story and its translation into Indonesian. In validating the data, the researcher utilized the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) involving three raters. The result of this study indicates that the most translation technique used by the translator is establish equivalence (66,67 %). The translator determines the appropriate translation technique in transfering the meaming for the target language.
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