Speech Acts Criticizing on Laptop Reviews

Chrisnatama Tangguh Prasetyo, FX Sawardi, Miftah Nugroho


This study aims to describe the speech act of criticizing a laptop review Youtuber. The data in this study are included in authentic data in the form of verbal originating from the speech of a Youtuber when reviewing laptops. The data source for this research is laptop review videos on the Gadgetin, Sobat Hape, Nerd Reviews, and Bestindotech YouTube channels. Data analysis is based on the theory of speech acts criticized by Nguyen. The findings from this study generate two speech acts of critical, direct, and indirect criticism strategies. Semantic formulas for indirect speech acts are negative feedback, difficulty statement, and problem statement. In indirect speech acts, semantic formulas change requests and suggested changes. This finding resulted in two speech acts of criticizing strategies, direct and indirect criticism strategies.


Speech acts, Criticizing, Youtuber Review

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v10i4.4603


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