Strategic Projects in Central Asia: Opportunities and Potential Risk Analysis Challenges

Fatkhulla Khabibullaevich Khikmatov


It is known that the implementation of the Eurasian Economic Union at the moment is one of the most prominent attempts to develop cooperation in the region, while China’s strategy of the Silk Road Economic Belt is a huge investment in the development of infrastructure and the development of the national economy, and an attractive attraction that attracts all the countries of Central Asia to a profitable energy and economic network is one of the projects. The article focuses on the analysis of this issue from a political point of view.


Strategy; State Strategy; Strategic Management; Strategic Planning; Operational Planning; Strategic Analysis; Strategic Initiatives; National Development Strategy; National Security

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The Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union was signed by Russia, Kazakhstan, and Belarus in Astana (“The Astana Treaty”) on 29 May 2014 and entered into force on 1 January, 2015. Armenia became a formal member of the organization on 2 January 2015 and Kyrgyzstan on 12 August 2015.

Rilka Dragneva and Kataryna Wolczuk, “The Eurasian Economic Union: Deals, Rules and the Exercise of Pow¬er”, Chatham House Research Paper, May 2017.–05–02–eurasian–economic–union–dragne¬va–wolczuk.pdf.

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On the diplomatic relations between the PRC and Central Asia, see Thierry Kellner, L’Occident de la Chine, Pékin et la nouvelle Asie centrale (1991–2001), Paris: PUF, 2008.

Zhang Hongzhou. “Building the Silk Road Economic Belt: Challenges in Central Asia”, in Cambridge Journal of China Studies, Vol.10, No.3, 2015.

Jacqueline Lopour. Geopolitics at the world’s pivot: exploring Central Asia’s security challenges, No. 80, November, 2015. – p. 1–24.

А.В. Виноградов, А.В. Рябов. Политические системы постсоветских стран и китая в процессе межсистемной трансформации. Полис. Политические исследования. № 3., 2019. – c. 69–86.–Ivanov/.



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