Sustainability of Sport-Specific Class in Senior High School

Tri Iswoyo, Agus Kristiyanto, Muchsin Doewes


The main objective  of this research was to founf out and analyzed about the continuity of special sports classes in the Senior High School, this study was conducted at Senior High School 4 Tegal. This research used descriptive approach. Distributed data, document analysis, and interviews.This research is a qualitative research and is presented in a descriptive approach. Data is collected by observing, analyzing documents and interviews  were conducted for principals, teachers, trainers, parents of students. Research location in Tegal City Senior High School 4 The locations are summed up with analytical data.The Results of this studty are special classes for active sports for 3 years from 2013-2016 and closed in the fourth year in 2016/2017.

Based on the results of the study it can be conclusions that the special sports class runs for 3 school years from 2013 to 2016 with some quite good achievements, but in the fourth year the special class does not accept students, with reasons that are incompatible with the focus on the government social machine class by diverting supervision, the responsibility of the city education office to the provincial education office in 2016/2017 was less consistent with the implementing party.


sport class, achievement, organization, pedagogy

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