Generating Competitiveness through Trending Marketing strategies, Case of Gen Z Consumers in the Restaurant industry
Implementing marketing strategies is crucial for hospitality organisations to reach their target markets and improve their performance and competitive advantage. Hence, this study examines the impact of various trending marketing strategies on the restaurant industry's competitiveness among Gen Z consumers. Using the asset-process-performance (APP) framework, this research involves six measured constructs: service robots, social media, online advertisements, website experiences, brand love and competitiveness. The samples of 301 survey questionnaires were collected from Gen Z consumers in the restaurant industry. Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) was used to conduct this study's data analysis. Based on the findings, service robots, social media, online advertisements, website experiences, and brand love demonstrated a significant impact on the restaurant industry's competitiveness among Gen Z consumers. Further, the research provides practical implications by better understanding Gen Z consumers, implementing appropriate marketing strategies accordingly, and impacting practice in the restaurant industry.
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