Contestation of the Class Struggle and Multicultural Understanding in Bourdieu's Ideas

Nurul Khurriyah, Setya Yuwana Sudikan, Tengsoe Tjahjono, Nadya Afdholy


This paper explores the relationship between class struggle and multicultural understanding through the lens of Pierre Bourdieu's theories. Bourdieu's concept of cultural capital and its role in producing and reproducing social inequality is introduced. The unequal distribution of cultural capital creates a system of cultural domination, which can hinder multicultural understanding and perpetuate social injustice. This paper also discusses how habitus shapes individuals' perceptions of the world around them and how this can influence their ability to understand and appreciate other cultures. Habitus is strongly influenced by an individual's social class and cultural background, and this can create barriers to multicultural understanding. This paper describes the ways in which dominant cultural groups use their cultural capital to marginalize and exclude minority cultures. This creates a system of symbolic violence, which can further hinder multicultural understanding and perpetuate social injustice. In addition, this paper examines the potential of Bourdieu's ideas to inform social and political policies aimed at promoting multicultural understanding and reducing social inequality. By recognizing and valuing the cultural capital of different groups, and challenging the power of dominant cultural groups, a more inclusive and equitable society can be created. Overall, this paper highlights the importance of recognizing the impact of social class and cultural capital on multicultural understanding, and the potential for Bourdieu's theories to inform policies aimed at promoting social justice and reducing inequality.


Bourdieu; Contestation; Class Struggle; Multicultural

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