Role of Teachers Class as A Motivator and Guidance Students in Education of Discipline Character Through Movement of School Literation According to Nawacita in Elementary School of Gabus 01 Pati 2017/2018 Academic Year
The purpose of this study was to describe the role of class teachers as motivators and mentors in disciplined character education and to know the factors that hinder the formation of the character of students of Elementary School Of Gabus 01 Pati 2017/2018 Academic Year.
This research is a descriptive qualitative research conducted at the Elementary School Of Gabus 01 Pati. The subjects of this study were students from grade 1 to 3 of Elementary School Of Gabus 01 Pati as many as 6 students and 3 class teachers, namely first grade to third grade teachers. The instruments used were interviewed, observation, and documentation. The data analysis technique used is a model according to Miles & Huberman using a descriptive qualitative analysis. The results of this study are the role of class teachers as motivators are very important in the formation of the character of student discipline, the teacher provides motivation or encouragement to students in the form of rewards / praise, open to the work of students, provide forms of competition, and give punishment to students who are not disciplined orderly school. The role of the teacher as a mentor, the guidance given to students is tutoring, social and personal guidance. Providing guidance to students is not only during lessons, but guidance is also given during literacy activities. While the inhibiting factors in the formation of the character of student discipline are internal and external factors. Internal factors that inhibit the formation of the students' character, discipline are innate, lack of awareness and interest of students. Whereas external factors that hinder the formation of student discipline, character are environmental factors outside of school such as family, play environment, and community.
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