The Values of Character Education in Beksan Tyas Muncar of Yasan K.G.P.A.A Paku Alam X

Ririn Puspitasari, Kun Setyaning Astuti


Beksan Tyas Muncar is one of the classic gagrag dances of Pura Pakualaman inspired by the batik house of Gusti Kanjeng Bendara Raden Ayu Adipati Paku Alam (G.K.B.R.A.A. Paku Alam) at Pura Pakualaman. This Beksan is the dance of the only daughter of Yasan Kanjeng Gusti Prince Adipati Arya Paku Alam X (K.G.P.A.A Paku Alam X) which was created in 2021 and was performed for the first time on April 29 2022 at the Pendhapa of the Indonesian Art Institute Surakarta in the event of World Dance Day. This research is a descriptive qualitative research using ethnographic methods. Through this research it can be found the values of Character Education such as the inculcation of disciplinary values that are embodied by dancers in performing Beksan and can be seen through the sequence of motions outlined in beksan, namely the process of batik activities. In addition, because a woman in the current era is required to have expertise, one of which can be realized through batik skills, through this Beksan can also be taken the values of patience and creativity of someone who is involved in the process of batik activities. This value is embodied and illustrated through the variety of movements found in Beksan Tyas Muncar.


Character Education Value; Beksan Tyas Muncar; Pura Pakualaman

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