The Existence of Gandrang Makassar in the Era of Modernization in the Makassar Community of South Sulawesi

Jesika Cika, Kun Setyaning Astuti


The existence of Gandrang Makassar in the era of modernization aims to see the social dynamics that occur in culture, especially the traditional musical instrument Gandrang.  This research focuses on describing the existence or existence of Gandrang Makassar in the Era of Modernization and the efforts made by the people of Makassar in Preserving Gandrang Makassar in the Era of Modernization by using Sendjaja's theory. Based on the results of this study, it proves that the existence of gandrang in the era of modernization in Makassar society is still maintained as evidenced by the Makassar gandrang performance which is still carried out in every activity in society and the efforts made by the Makassar community in maintaining the existence of Makassar gandrang in the era of Modernization, namely through two ways, namely culture experience including Routine Training, Participating in activities) and the second way is culture knowledge including Utilization of Digitalization.


Existence; Modernization; Gandrang Makassar

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