Political Communication: Differences in the Orientation of Executive and Legislative Interests in the Discussion of the West Sulawesi Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revised
Political communication is a means used to equalize perceptions between the legislature and the executive in decision making. Decision-making, in this case, changes in the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget, which often result in conflicts due to the political interests of each party. Qualitative methods were used in this study, primary data sources were obtained from interviews and focus group discussions with informants and supported by secondary data from document processing related to this study. Data analysis uses an interactive model with a data analysis cycle starting with field data collection, the data is then reduced, then the data is presented in certain forms such as synopsis sketches, matrices or other forms to facilitate presentation and confirmation of conclusions. The last activity is drawing conclusions. This study aims to look at the dynamics of political communication in the discussion and determination of the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget changes between the executive, in this case the Governor and the legislature, namely the Assembly at provincial West Sulawesi. The results of this study indicate that even though there is a mutual agreement regarding regulatory aspects in the system, there are still conflicting discourses regarding the effectiveness of the programs contained in the revised Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget that have been agreed upon, ultimately causing increased pressure from both the executive and legislative branches. Political interests are becoming more orientated, which has a significant impact on the effectiveness of the discussion of the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget changes in West Sulawesi. It is hoped that the discussion of the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget changes will be carried out in accordance with the needs of the public, not for the benefit of certain groups.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v10i3.4560
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