Law Enforcement Against Abuse of Authority in the Procurement of Goods and Service in Jayapura City
This research, entitled "Law enforcement against abuse of authority in the procurement of goods and services in Jayapura City", was conducted with the aim of analyzing, explaining, the legal position of officials making commitments to the procurement of goods and services and law enforcement against abuse of authority in the procurement of goods and services.This study uses an empirical juridical approach, because it does not involve mere normative aspects but also examines how the law is real in people's lives. The results reveal that the fact that the legal position of the committees is as users of goods and services and can be interpreted as a function and as an organization, as a function, namely carrying out governmental duties and the government as an organization, the government assisted by the implementation of government tasks. The function of this government as a whole consists of actions, decisions, and provisions which are legal actions and real actions. Abuse of authority in the procurement of goods and services by government agencies is a crime, where the enforcement of the criminal law is part of criminal politics as one of the overall crime prevention policies. Therefore, the role of law enforcers must be able to ensure a balance between a sense of justice, benefit and legal concern.
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