Tenure and Ownership of Lani Tribe Traditional Land in the Bokondini District, Tolikara Regency
Mastery and ownership of customary land of the Lani people in Bokondini District, Tolikara Regency is generally used jointly and some are used for personal or family interests to meet their daily needs. The purpose of this study was to determine the status of customary land tenure by the Lani Tribe and to determine the constraints faced by the Lani indigenous people in controlling and owning customary land. The method used in this study is empirical, namely by collecting data according to events that exist in the midst of society, in other words that are in accordance with the facts in the field. The results of this study reveal that the indigenous peoples of the Lani Tribe are related to the status of control and ownership of their customary lands, which are communal as well as individual, where the control and use of customary lands are shared by members of their customary law community (both territorial and genealogical). Each has the right to control and use the land as collective and individual property to meet their daily needs. The obstacles faced by the Lani Tribe in terms of control and ownership of customary land are from external factors, where interference comes from outsiders who claim that the customary land is theirs either from individuals or other indigenous community groups. If a dispute occurs, either among indigenous peoples or with outsiders, it is always resolved by way of deliberation or kinship in accordance with the personality of the indigenous Lani people.
Mastery; Ownership; Customary Land; Lani Tribe
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v10i1.4536
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