Quality of Students’ Textbook “Hots Series” in 2013 Curriculum Grade IV of Elementary School

Sudirman Sudirman, Ida Bagus Kade Gunayasa, Moh. Irawan Zain, Muhammad Tahir, Abdul Kadir Jaelani


Learning can be carried out well, if there are sufficient textbooks, story books, and other source books. Nevertheless, the quality of the book is a priority. The purpose of this study was to describe the quality of student textbooks in the HOTS series of 2013 curriculum for grade IV elementary schools, including: a) the quality of language standards according to the HOTS series; b) standard quality of presentation according to the HOTS series. This study used a qualitative-evaluative approach. Data were collected through library sources of thematic books for grade IV Elementary School 2013 Curriculum. The results showed that the quality of student textbooks for the 2013 curriculum HOTS series, namely: a) the standard quality of the HOTS series language was 91.32% very decent. The distributions are: (a) the suitability of student development is 91.66%; (b) the use of communicative language is 90.22%; and (c) the requirement for coherence and integration of the flow of thinking is 92.1%; and b) the quality of the standard presentation of the HOTS series when viewed from the cognitive domain is different. For themes 1-9 in the cognitive domain C1 is 25%; C2 is 24%; C3 is 14%; C4 is 13%; C5 is 18%; and C6 is 6%. If you look at the distribution, the cognitive domain is more dominant at the LOTS level, namely C1 and C2, while at the HOTS level, it is C5. This means that each cognitive domain is represented, so that the HOTS series of student textbooks is very suitable for use by fourth grade elementary school students.


Language Standards; Presentation Standards; HOTS.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v10i4.4516


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