E-Government-based Communication System in West Sulawesi Province
The achievement of public satisfaction can be realized using e-government by government agencies. The use of e-government has been initiated by the West Sulawesi Provincial Government as a form of adjustment to the implementation of government in public services in the digital era, especially as a mass solution in regional development planning. However, its application is still constrained by the completeness of data and the synchronization of existing data to every government agency that cooperates in development planning. This study aims to analyze the form of E-government communication system in West Sulawesi Province. The approach used is descriptive qualitative. Primary data sources from interviews with informants, field observations and processed data sourced from government documents that support primary data. The data analysis process starts from data collection, data reduction, presentation, conclusion, and data verification. The results of this study show that the communication system carried out by the Government of West Sulawesi has a form or pattern of open and closed communication. The communication system infrastructure of the Government of West Sulawesi has built a network of FO cables or fiber optics and Wi-Fi corners that are provided for the public interest, but the standards are not yet international standard. It is recommended that the West Sulawesi Provincial government can build a network synchronization that can be accessed by the public and stakeholders involved in regional development planning.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v10i2.4512
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