Management of Student Sport Education and Training Center (PPLOP) of Para-Athletics in Central Java
This research aims to: (1) determine the recruitment management of human resources in the PPLOP of Para-athletics in Central Java, (2) identify the facilities and infrastructures management in PPLOP of Para-athletics in Central Java, (3) find out the financial management of PPLOP of Para-athletics in Central Java, and (4) figure out the training management of PPLOP of Para-athletics in Central Java.
This research was conducted at the Student Sport Education and Training Center (PPLOP) of Para-athletics in Central Java. This research applies qualitative descriptive method. The unit of analysis is the Student Sport Education and Training Center (BPPLOP). The data retrieval techniques include documentary study, in-depth interview, and observation. The data sources in this research are the administrators, trainers, and athletes of PPLOP of Para-athletics in Central Java.The results of the study show that: the implementation of the Student Sports Education and Training Center (PPLOP) of Para-athletics in Central Java is good. In PPLOP, disabled athletes already have a good organizational working structure. However, in terms of the implementation of the recruitment of athletes, the PPLOP of Para-athletics in Central Java is still lacking so that it needs a lot of evaluation and improvement. This can be seen from the small number of participants registering in this year; 6 people registered and 4 people attended the selection process and none met the expected criteria. This is due to the lack of socialization from the PPLOP manager, in this case the Dinas Pemuda Olahraga dan Pariwisata Jawa Tengah (Central Java Youth Sports and Tourism Service) to schools in the Central Java Regency/City, and the distant location of the regency/city, causing prospective participants to face difficulties in registering or obtaining appropriate information. Furthermore, children with special needs or disabilities are minority students.
The facilities and infrastructure required for the event are considered adequate, fulfilling the needs of student athletes. This is due to the good planning process from the parties related to the procurement of facilities and infrastructures. However, some of the essentials are fail to be fullfiled by the organizer because the procurement of facilities and infrastructures is adjusted to the budget limit of the BPPLOP sourced from the Central Java Province APBD (Regional Government Expenditure).The implementation of financial management has run well. The good management in fulfilling the implementation of BPPLOP of Para-athletics in Central Java has proven this. Fund and financial reporting are provided by looking at the current needs. Even though some shortcomings in needs are obvious, the organizer can manage them.The implementation of the training in PPLOP of para-athletics in Central Java has run as expected. Exercise planning in the training programs has been made and coordinated well, with the collaboration between organizer and trainers in accordance with the needs of athletes.
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