Legal Consequence on Land Transfer Due to Unregistered of Heretage

Muhammad Al Fadhil, Suhaimi Suhaimi, Ika Susilawati


The transfer of ownership rights to land due to inheritance must be carried out through procedures in accordance with applicable regulations, namely in accordance with the provisions of Article 42 paragraphs (1) and (2) of Government Regulation No. 24 of 1997 concerning Land Registration (PP No. 24/1997), that the heirs are obliged to immediately register the transfer of land rights due to inheritance regarding land parcels with rights that have been registered and those that have not been registered within 6 months after the death of their parents. In Leuhong Village/Gampong, Paya Bakong District, there was a case of inheritance of land ownership rights, namely after the death of their parents, the heirs did not immediately transfer land ownership rights within 6 months. This is due to various reasons, among others: 1). Lack of knowledge of agrarian law, 2). Lack of awareness of the importance of land ownership certificates, 3). The lack of awareness of the heirs to immediately register the land obtained due to inheritance, 4). Many people are afraid to register their land because of the high cost of obtaining a land certificate.


Land Registration; Transfer; Inherited Land

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