The Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court in Trying War Crimes: A Case Study of Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo

Rini Fathonah, Mashuril Anwar


One thing that makes the Jean-Pierre Bemba case interesting to study is the defeat of the ICC Prosecutor, which led to the release of Jean-Pierre on June 8 2018. The basis of the ICC Prosecutor's indictment regarding the responsibility of superiors for failure to prevent crime can be rebutted by Jean-Pierre through an attorney of the law. This study uses a normative juridical method with a case approach and a qualitative descriptive analysis method. According to the research results, the case of Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo is an international criminal case that falls under the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court. The jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court in trying this case was based on the ratification of the Rome Statute on October 3, 2001, of the Central African Republic. The final decision of the International Criminal Court was to acquit Jean-Pierre from his sentence. Regarding the elements of special responsibility for international crimes committed by military forces, the International Criminal Court must emphasize this again. This is necessary so that there are no loopholes that the accused can exploit to escape punishment.


International Criminal Court; War Crimes; Jurisdiction

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