Social, Economic, Educative, and Religious Values in the Jathilan Traditional Performance Arts

Dwi Kurniawati, Kun Setyaning Astuti


This article aims to describe Jathilan performing arts and the values embodied in Jathilan performing arts. Jathilan is a performing arts culture originating in Indonesia. Jathilan as a performing cultural art is quite popular among people in the Special Region of Yogyakarta and its surroundings. The existence of Jathilan in people's lives is spread across Yogyakarta and is still quite strong in Kulon Progo Regency. Jathilan performing arts are often associated with trance events in the process. The presence of Jathilan performing arts in events attended by many spectators continues to change to suit the circumstances of the supporting community. Jathilan performance art besides maintaining the old style also tries to keep up with the challenges of the times by adapting and being created with various ideas and goals. The existence of Jathilan as a folk performing cultural art has values from its supporting community that can be explored and studied as an understanding for the wider community.


Values; Cultural Arts; Performance Art; Jathilan

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