Public Relations Management in Marketing Universities at Raden Mas Said State Islamic University Surakarta
Public relations has a key role to create public interest by attracting sympathy through strategies that are carried out effectively and carried out in accordance with the existing situation so as to create an attitude of sympathy for the institution. This study aims to describe public relations management in marketing universities at Raden Mas Said State Islamic University Surakarta. The method used descriptive qualitative, the place of research in UIN RMS. The subject of the study is the staff in charge of the public relations department including the head of public relations and the sections that work in the public relations sub-section. Data collection techniques can be carried out by observation, interviews, questionnaires, documentation. The data analysis technique used is an interactive model which includes data reduction, data presentation, data inference. The results showed that public relations management is divided into three (3) stages, namely planning, implementation and evaluation. The planning of this program has been supported by personnel who serve in the public relations department have a fairly high loyalty by continuing to carry out activities in accordance with the directions and policies of the leadership and have been in accordance with the plan. The second stage is the implementation of the public relations program which is carried out in two ways, namely online and offline. The evaluation stage is carried out as an effort to assess the plan and implementation along with the achievements that have been obtained. It was found that the lack of human resources both in quantity and quality and the position of public relations is currently one with a general section with the name of public relations and publications is a problem that is currently still being found.
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