The Role of Law Enforcement Officials to Overcome the Theft Crime Collectively with Violence in Jayapura City

Budiyanto Budiyanto


The theft crime with violence collectively at Jayapura was caused by the perpetrator's economic deficiency, the opportunity factor which attached to the weak victims, the negligence factor towards the valuable goods which owned by the victims, the factor of the victim who does not pay attention to its own safety, the wrong association factor of the perpetrators, the high price factor and the intermediary, and the factor of alcohol effect which consumed by the perpetrators. Law enforcement against the perpetrators of theft crime with violence collectively at Jayapura city has been running according to the law. The perpetrators which were caught by the officials have been processed up to the court and have been sentenced to prison. However, the judge’s decision is considered very mild, and has not been able to create a fear and deterrent effect to the theft. Moreover, there’s still other perpetrators who have fled and have not been caught and the status is still on the Wanted Person Lists. The role of law enforcement to tackling the criminal act of theft with violence at Jayapura city has taken pre-emptive, preventive, and repressive efforts.


Causal Factors; Countermeasures; Violence Theft

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