Restorative Justice in Settlement of Traffic Accidents with Minor Injured Victims

Eri Noviyani, Subekti Subekti


The Police of the Republic of Indonesia have the main task of maintaining security and public order, law enforcement and protection, and protectors and public servants are required to be wise in dealing with traffic accident problems under these conditions. The Traffic Unit of the Pasuruan City Police took policy steps to accommodate the hopes of the parties involved in the accident by taking a Restorative Justice approach. This study analyzes the considerations of investigators using Restorative Justice to resolve Traffic Accident Cases. This research is normative legal research using statutory and conceptual approaches. The study results show that the settlement of traffic accident cases using a restorative justice approach at the Pasuruan Police Traffic Unit is based on a peace process between the perpetrator and the victim. The agreement obtained from the peace process was then outlined in a letter of agreement signed by the parties, namely the perpetrator and the victim/victim's family, later known by local government officials and witnessed by community leaders.


Traffic Accidents; Cases; Restorative Justice

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