Law Enforcement Against Protected Live Life Trade Crimes
The lack of human awareness and concern for the environment in Indonesia makes it longer that all the natural resource wealth in Indonesia will be lost and exhausted, including one of the animals in Indonesia which will increasingly become extinct. There are so many people who deliberately own, kill, trade animals that are clearly protected only for the sake of the human self-interest itself. The diversity of biological natural resources in Indonesia is considered one of the easiest places to commit crimes against protected animals. With a diverse diversity of biological natural resources, Indonesia is also considered one of the most crime-prone to protected animals. Wildlife trafficking crime becomes the third largest crime in the world after drugs and firearms. The present study aims to examine law enforcement against the criminal act of trading protected living animals. The present research uses discourse analysis as method of the study in elaborating issues concerning criminal acts of protected animal commerce. Protected animal commerce is a form of criminal crime because it has been formulated in the applicable legislation. Enforcement of these criminal acts is carried out by state officials who have the authority to carry out investigations and executions of punishments for protected animal trade acts.
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