Criminal Liability for Transportation of Subsidized Diesel Oil Without Official Permission

I Nyoman Ardita, Dodik Djaja


In creating oil and gas business activities to realize an increase in prosperity and welfare of the people, Law number 22 of 2001 concerning Oil and Gas has been established (hereinafter Oil and Gas Law 22/2001). The law provides a legal basis for the renewal and realignment of oil and gas business activities. The government has established a government agency that in carrying out its functions, duties, and authorities is independent, namely the regulatory body for the supply and distribution of fuel, namely the Regulatory Agency, the National Police and the Oil and Gas Civil Servant Officials without accompanying the implementing rules. Oil and gas business activities experience various dynamics including related to the transportation of subsidized diesel oil without official permission from the authorities. The present study aims to elaborate criminal liability for the transportation of subsidized diesel oil without official permission from the authorities. The present research uses discourse analysis as method of the study in elaborating issues concerning criminal liability for the transportation of unlicensed diesel oil. This study concluded that there are several procedures carried out related to the transportation of subsidized diesel oil without official permission. The steps taken are investigation, investigation, prosecution, examination in court, and judgment.


Gasoline; Criminal Law; Illegal

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