The Effectiveness of Admission of New Students of the Zonation System on the Learning Achievement of Students of Public Junior High School 2 of Bengkulu City
This study aims to reveal the effectiveness of Admission of New Students of The Zonation System in terms of learning achievement in students of Public Junior High School 2 of Bengkulu City in social studies subjects. This study used a comparative quantitative approach, data collection techniques using observation, interviews and documentation, the study population totaled 400, namely 200 Admission of New Students before the zoning system (2017/2018 school year) and 200 students who were Admission of New Students zoning system (2020/2021 school year) , the sample is 100, namely 50 students from Admission of New Students before zoning and 50 students from Admission of New Students zoning system. The data analysis technique uses the Z test, namely by comparing the achievements of Admission of New Students students before zoning with Admission of New Students students in the Zoning system. The results of this study can be concluded that the Admission of New Students zoning system is less effective because after analyzing the different tests using the Z test there are differences in learning achievement in social studies subjects of Public Junior High School 2 of Bengkulu City who Admission of New Students before the zoning system with students who have Admission of New Students zoning system, this can be seen from the Z value count ˃ Z table, namely Z count 5, 586 ˃ Z table 1.6, and seen from the average value in the two groups there is a difference of 2.0, namely the average Admission of New Students student achievement score before zoning was 83 while for Admission of New Students students the zoning system the average is 81.
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