History of Confessional Religion in Indonesia

Almen Sulpedi Ramaino, Meity Najoan, Max Laurens Tamon


This research is for scholarly conversation and theory formation to conduct similar research in a broader scope. The study aims to identify why Confucianism has not been accepted as an official religion by the Indonesian government and society. The struggle of Confucian followers so that Confucian teachings are recognized as the official religion by the Indonesian government and people. The research approach uses a processual historical system. Data collection uses the oral history method and Library studies. A data analysis using the descriptive-analytical method. Results show that confession Confucianism in Indonesia has had its ups and downs. Presidential Decree Number 1 of 1965, enacted through Law Number 5 of 1969, stipulates that Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism and Confucianism are the official religions of the Indonesian population. The factors that support the recognition of Confucianism as the official religion in Indonesia are since Indonesia entered the reformation period in 1998, which was marked by an era of openness and freedom, the acceptance of Pancasila ideology as the sole principle in Confucian religious organizations.


Confessional; Religion; Indonesia

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v10i3.4436


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