Business Competition in Hospitality Services in Jayapura City

Biloka Tanggahma, Rehabeam Mofu


The development of business world has brought the business player to the very tight competition to gain consumer, including in hospitality services. This research will use quantitative approach in seeing the law as empirically observable social phenomenon. Hence, between two types of legal research used, namely juridical research which is legal research on examining the laws and regulations along with the expert opinion in the fields of Commercial Law, Business Competition Law and also Consumer Protection, while empirical legal research conducted to support the normative legal research. The result of this research shows the impact on the hospitality services business competition empirically seen from the emergence of 5 Star hotels with all the facilities that have large capital although they do not have any expertise to manage the hospitality services business. As a result, several hotels that have been operating for a longtime and cannot compete are threatened to close due to heavy losses of their activities.


Hospitality Services Business; Business Competition

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