The Faisei Saubowoa Indigenous People's Kinship System in Sangei Village Waropen Regency

Daniel Tanati


In the kinship system of indigenous peoples, descent is very important to continue the lineage, either straight or sideways. In general, descendants have legal relations based on blood relations, including between parents and their children. The method in this study is empirical juridical, where in this empirical legal research there are two types of data, namely primary data and secondary data. Primary data is data sourced from field research obtained directly from the first source. While secondary data is data obtained from the results of library research. The results of this study reveal that the indigenous people of Faisei Saubowoa in the village of Sangei, Waropen Regency, know a local kinship group called "Da". Most of the villages in the area of the customary law community of the Waropen Kai tribe have three to five "Da" who are in charge of several Ruma Bawa (big and long houses). Family members feel bound in a kinship relationship that is calculated through the male/father lineage (patrilineal). Members of "Da" believe that they come from a common ancestor. Likewise, the Faisei Saubowoa indigenous people also know local kinship groups.


The Faisei Saubowoa Indigenous People's Kinship System in Sangei Village Waropen Regency

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