EFL Teacher’s Challenges in Utilizing Web-based Collaborative Writing Activities Using Google Docs Platform
This study focused on the EFL teacher’s challenges when experiencing a web-based collaborative writing environment using technology, namely Google Docs. The writing activity was difficult, especially when it came to individual assignments. Conducting collaborative work in writing using web 2.00 tool technology was considered the best option for training students in teamwork and collaboration. However, the teacher faced some problems that affected the students, and the learning process was ineffective. The participant in this qualitative research was an EFL teacher at an Indonesian vocational high school. The data was based on a semi-structured interview obtained through Zoom meetings. The interview revealed the instructor's viewpoints, including the drawbacks of utilizing Google Docs for web-based collaborative writing situations. The study showed that the instructor suffered for two reasons; students’ personal and technical problems. The students’ personal problems including students' lack of collaboration with their teammates and unpreparedness to learn. Meanwhile, technical errors involve unstable internet connectivity, incompatible devices, and error program. Therefore, the teacher prerequisite to be well-prepared input materials and technical skills training for students’ readiness to join online collaborative writing using technology. The number of challenges in this study might be valuable as a consideration for educators before preparing the students to work collaboratively to teach writing skills to minimize ineffective teaching and learning process.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v10i3.4424
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