The History and the Epigraphy of the Memorial Complex of Sultan Uvays–Baba

Nematullo Mukhamedov, Nurulloh Turambetov


Memorial monument of the XVII–XIX centuries Sultan Uvays–baba is located on the territory of the current Beruni region (Uzbekistan). The name of the complex, according to local tradition, is associated with the name of Uwais al–Karani, who, according to legend, was one of the followers of the Prophet and lived during the reign of the fourth caliph (successor) Ali ibn Abu Talib. His full name is Uwais ibn Omir ibn Juz ibn Malik ibi Amr al–Muradi al–Qarani. According to legend, he lived in the village of Karain in Yemen. Hence his second name–Uwais al–Karani. He was born in 625, died in the battle of Siffin, fighting in the ranks of the troops of Caliph Ali against the troops of Muawiya ibn Yazid. He was buried in the village of Siffa in Syria. His burial at the complex described here is obviously symbolic. Based on the sources, the history and epigraphy of the “Sultan Uvays–Baba” complex has been studied. Judging by the significant number of pilgrims, it is one of the most revered places in the lower reaches of the Amu Darya. The modest way of life of Sultan Uwais–baba as an example to follow and their role in spreading the qualities of devotion, mercy and kindness are analyzed. In addition, information is provided on the history and epigraphy of the mausoleum and other cultural structures of the memorial complex “Sultan Uvays–Baba” and their role in the Islamic culture of Central Asia.


Prophet; Tabiyin; Sultan Uwais–Baba; Al–Karani; Chinor Bobo; Yemen; Murad; Beruni District; Republic of Karakalpakstan; Mausoleum; Pond (House); Mercy; Kindness

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