Biarchy as The Social System of Boti Indigenous Community whose Adhere Nusantara Religion
For indigenous community which commonly categorized as traditional, Boti has implemented gender equality. Works division are based on ability and interest. Not by gender. Also, they refuse to use the force even to the children. It is part of Boti basic perspective on their custom rules which is resourced on indigenous religion of Nusantara religion named Uis Neno ma Uis Pah means God who rules the sky and nature. Women can express and actualize themselves as equal as men in education, religion, social, cultural, economic and politic. Moreover, for the adherents of Uis Neno ma Uis Pah, the top leaders of any decision are a man that is Ama Usif or The King Father and a woman that is Ena or Mama. The doctrine of their religion about gender equality is implemented in the daily lives in household affairs too. How is gender equality implemented in Boti indigenous community? And, how is the role of their Nusantara Religion on this issue? Using ethnography as the method of field research by living at Boti indigenous village for 13 months from October 2, 2021 until November 1, 2022, and decolonization perspective with inter religious study framework, this article would explore the answers of those two questions. Mansour Fakih’s theory on gender transformation will be used as the foundation to explain the implementation of gender equality in Boti indigenous community.
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