Analysis of Interest in Using Innovative Technology of Android-Based Coffee Roasting Machine Among Lombok Island SMES
The purpose of this study is to find out things that can motivate or encourage the interest of MSME entrepreneurs (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) in using and utilizing innovative technology for Android-based coffee roasting machines. This research is qualitative phenomenological research, with data collection techniques using observation, documentation, and interviews as well as using data triangulation techniques. This research was conducted and aimed at UMKM (Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises) coffee business actors on the island of Lombok who has used an Android-based coffee roasting machine, with 4 informants who are coffee business actors on Lombok Island. The findings in this study found that the things that can motivate interest in using this innovative technology are related to the effectiveness of the machine itself and also references or sources of information on the ease of using or operating the machine, as for the perceived ease of using an Android-based coffee roasting machine in this study. this is quite high, namely 62.9%, then the perception of product quality is 14.51%, interest in using is 77.41%, reference content for using the machine is 22.58%, and ease of use is 62.9%. Interest in using an android-based coffee roasting machine which is an innovative technology because it utilizes the results of existing technological activities such as utilizing android technology which can be innovated into something new.
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