Performance of the Gotong Royong Task Force for Handling Covid-19 in Tulikup Village, Gianyar Regency
Various policies have been attempted by the authority in order to tackle the outbreaks of Covid-19 in Indonesia, one of which is by involving the role of the village apparatus by forming a Gotong Royong Task Force in each village. This study aims to explore or describe in detail the performance of the Gotong Royong Task Force in Tulikup Village, Gianyar Regency in handling Covid-19. It is applied an interpretive qualitative analysis through collecting data of observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The results of the study show that (1) the performance of the Gotong Royong Task Force in terms of performance indicators is already optimal. However, there is still something that needs to be improved regarding the indicators of service quality which are still lacking in providing outreach to villagers regarding Covid-19 and the distribution of aid has not been on target. Budget and vaccine stock limitations are the two main obstacles to handling Covid-19. It can be further suggested that there is a guarantee from the government for the basic needs of the people affected by Covid-19 and the availability of vaccines, no manipulation of swab data by hospitals or puskesmas as well as accurate data collection and more intensive outreach.
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