Jama'ah's Perception of Friday Khutbah Material

Nazar Nazar, Miswanti Miswanti, Siti Misbah, Nurhadi Nurhadi, Riyanto Efendi


The Friday sermon is a mandatory thing to carry out before performing the Friday prayer service. The purpose of this study was to describe the Jama'ah's Perception of Friday Khutbah Material by looking at Jama'ah Absorption, Understanding, and Evaluation. This research uses Perception theory according to Bimo Walgito, which consists of absorption, understanding, and assessment. The research method used is a descriptive qualitative research method and data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation. Based on the processing of facts and research data it was found that the Absorption of Khutbah Material by the Friday Prayer Congregation has been supported by the efforts of the Nurul Iman Mosque management Lingkar Timur Village, Singaran Pati District, Bengkulu City to improve Comfort, Security, Order in the implementation of Friday Prayers. And supported by efforts to present a Khatib of choice according to the wishes of the Jama'ah of the Nurul Iman Mosque. The understanding or understanding of the Khutbah Material by Friday Prayer Congregation at the Nurul Iman Mosque, Lingkar Timur Village, Singaran Pati District, Bengkulu City was found to have gone well. With the Khatib raising themes that suit the needs of the congregation and followed by an interesting delivery, although not all congregations can be touched due to various other factors such as not being ready to listen to the sermon, conditions that are not conducive for children.


Jumaat Friday Congregation; Friday Khutbah Material

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v10i2.4372


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