Effectiveness of Flood Management through Pump Houses Based on Geographic Information Systems in the City of Surabaya
In East Java, based on the records of the East Java Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), it was noted that from January 1 to March 19, 2021, there have been 258 flood disasters. Eleven of them were flash floods and three tidal floods occurred. Likewise, in the city of Surabaya, flooding is caused by high rainfall. The purpose of the study was to find out the extent of the policy formulation of the construction and development of pump houses in solving flood problems in the city of Surabaya. This type of research is qualitative descriptive research. Research Results The formulation of the pump house development policy in flood management in the city of Surabaya has gone through the correct stages. The Commission for the Development of the Surabaya City Dprd identified flooding problems through various activities: recesses, seminars, workshops, musrenbang at the village/kelurahan and sub-district levels. Flooding is still a crucial problem that needs to be solved and the availability of a large budget. Flood management in the city of Surabaya includes multiplying and developing pump houses, building channels, repairing and elevating sluices and increasing green open space. Establishment of pump house development policy. As stated in Surabaya Mayor Regulation Number 49 of 2016 and the technical basis in question is the Surabaya Drainage Master Plan (SDMP) 2018-2038.Suggestions and recommendations. 1) It is expected thatflood management will be carried out thoroughly / holistically. It needs collaborative cooperation/synergy of all my interests, both government, private sector as partners and the community. 2) Flood risk reduction should be combined structurally with the technical engineering of disaster-resistant buildings and culturally, namely increasing knowledge and attitudes so as to build resilient communities; 3) In the development of pump houses in the future by using applications with webmap-based geographic information system (GIS) technology to detect the condition of pump houses and flood-prone areas using several parameters; and 4) In the future, the city of Surabaya has a flood management bylaw and a priority scale for flood management in the form of a roadmap.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v10i1.4368
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