Historical Analysis of Feminism from a World Perspective and the View of Evangelical Theology

Jammes Juneidy Takaliuang, Legia Suripatty, Lekris Anugrah Hizkia Laurika


This research aims to describe feminism from an evangelical perspective and worldview. Feminism originated in a nineteenth-century debate about whether women should be confined to the private realm of home and family or be welcomed into the public realm of business and politics. This research uses the Qualitative method to explore the feminist world from an evangelical perspective and the view of world religion and uses a historical methodology to find the answer to the question of feminism from any view of religion. The historical method is the key to seeing the growth and root of feminism in the world. This result explores the historical approach in the feminist world from any evangelical perspective and world religious view, where this phenomenology will never stop being discussed and discussed at every conference. Hope this research may help a researcher to develop more knowledge about feminism study in the evangelical area and may help Christian historians to develop the method of the historical to minimise the misunderstanding of the evangelical perspective on feminism and the view of world religion.


Feminism, Evangelical; World Perspective; Historical

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v10i2.4363


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