Management of Formal Diniyah Education Learning Strategies in an Effort to Strengthen the Study of the Kitab Kuning at the APIK Kaliwungu Kendal Islamic Boarding School
Management in an educational institution is something that needs to be done. This study aims to describe the management of formal education learning strategies in an effort to strengthen the study of the Kitab Kuning at the APIK Kaliwungu Kendal Islamic boarding school. The method used in this research is qualitative method. Data sources in this study include primary data sources (interviews and observations) and secondary data sources (APIK Islamic Boarding School learning documents, journals, other supporting references, photos of the learning process). Data collection techniques using interview and observation techniques. Data validity was carried out using the triangulation method. Data analysis was carried out descriptively using SWOT analysis. The results of the research show that the planning stage examines some supporting data, the competence of the students, educational background, materials that are in accordance with the curriculum, the existence of adequate learning administration tools and the methods used in learning. In the implementation stage, it shows a lack of pedagogic competence, a lack of managerial competence of educators, a lack of social competence of teachers and students who experience problems in the learning process are not provided with proper assistance. While the evaluation was carried out because there was a decrease in the mastery of the Kitab Kuning, the value of memorizing the book was lower, many students repeated learning, decreased mastery of the Kitab Kuning and less handling of student counseling.
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