Local Wisdom as a Source of Values and Character Education: Identification of the Javanese Community in Surabaya
Javanese people have much local wisdom, taking the form of a philosophy of life. This local wisdom is still relevant today and has enormous potential for application as a source of values and character education. This study, therefore, aims to identify the character education values in Javanese local wisdom in Surabaya, particularly in the form of a philosophy of life and its relevance as a source of learning. Applying descriptive qualitative, this research’s data were collected through literature study and in-depth interviews and analyzed using the interactive Milles and Huberman model. The study results revealed 20 kinds of local wisdom of the Javanese people in Surabaya in the form of a philosophy of life that still exists today and is relevant to character education. Of the 20 20 kinds of local wisdom, ten points of character education can be identified: 1) hard work; 2) orderly; 3) being careful or alert; 4) being responsible; 5) tawakal and gratitude; 6) honest; 7) thrifty and careful; 8) brotherhood; 9) self-confidence; 10) be alert. These ten points of value have the potential to be used as learning resources, especially in the history department.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v10i1.4346
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