The Effect of Work Family Conflict and Job Satisfaction on the Performance of Community Health Center
The essence of human resources has an important role in the performance of an agency or company. The existence of work-family conflict in agencies significantly influences job satisfaction on employee performance in agencies, one of which is the Tlogowungu Pati Community Health Center in Central Java. For this reason, it is important to analyze the impact of work-family conflict and job satisfaction at the Tlogowungu Pati Community Health Center to support and support the realization of healthy agency performance and produce a comfortable and enjoyable work environment so that with a multi-variable approach, such as: dependent and independent variable. In addition, it is supported by primary and secondary data and uses descriptive and inferential statistical techniques in the analysis process. The regression coefficient value of the work-family conflict variable is 0.320, which is positive, the regression coefficient value of the job satisfaction variable is 0.300, which is positive, and the regression coefficient value of the organizational commitment variable is 0.190, which is positive. So the results of the analysis show that from the regression equation, it can be seen that the variables work-family conflict, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment affect the work productivity of Community Health Center Tlogowungu Pati employees, Central Java.
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