How to harmonize Peace Democratic Theory with Islam for Encouraging Peace in Islamic World

Fika Nurislamia, Surwandono Surwandono


This article explain urgency to harmonize idea of peace democratic theory as part of efforts to increase peace in the Islamic world through increasing civic freedom and participation in the public sphere. The debate around freedom and public participation as part of the message of Islam is very strongly articulated in the Koran and al-hadith. A comparative analysis of Kantian reasoning, Islamic liberals and Islamic fundamentals is carried out in order to obtain a narrative slice that allows for exploration in order to increase the space for peace in the Islamic world. This article finds that there are many common ground between the idea of peace democratic theory and the idea of Islam in building peace, so that these two ideas can be systematically harmonized for the promotion of peace in the Islamic world.


Peace Democratic Theory; Civil Islam; Harmonization

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