Pedagogical Stylistics of Indonesian Children's Tales in the Context of Javanese Culture
This study explains the style of language in the fairy tale “Cabai, Wortel, dan Si Terong” "Chili, Carrot and Eggplant" presented by kindergarten teacher in Sragen, Central Java. The data source was taken at PGRI Plumbung Kindergarten. This research is included in the type of qualitative descriptive research. This study aims to describe more clearly about the use of language style by kindergarten teacher in storytelling. This style of language is studied stylistically. The results of the research show the discovery of a certain style of language used by the teacher when telling stories to the audience. The style is explained by the structure of the text, paralanguage, sound effect, vocabulary, grammatical aspects, and the dialog used by the teacher in storytelling. Paralanguage is used to distinguish the characters in the tale. The narrative text structure implemented in the story consists of five elements namely orientation, complication, resolution, coda, and evaluation. The characters in the fairy tale are named using vegetable noun and article “si”. There is also the use of colloquial, phatic, foreign (Javanese and English) word forms in the storytelling. The storyteller uses declarative, interrogative, imperative and interjective sentences. The dialogue between the characters in this fairy tale is packaged by adhering to the maxims of the cooperation principle. The choice and the use of paralanguage, structure, vocabulary, grammatical, and dialogue creates its own style in pedagogical stylistics.
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