The Strategy of Education Quality Assurance During Covid-19 Pandemic
This study discusses the Education Quality Assurance system during the pandemic. The pandemic has had an impact on changes in the systems and patterns of teaching in schools. Every school is required to be creative and agile to face this pandemic. SD Muhammadiyah Program Khusus Surakarta (Muhammadiyah Elementary School Special Program) has a quality assurance system that can be applied in other schools. This study aims to describe the quality assurance system used in SD Muhammadiyah Program Khusus Surakarta. Based on the data and interview results, it was found a description of the education quality assurance system in SD Muhammadiyah Program Khusus Surakarta. The quality assurance system at SD Muhammadiyah PK Surakarta is carried out based on integrated quality management, namely by creating a quality culture that encourages all members of the organization to work for customer satisfaction (Sallis, 2015: 49). During the pandemic, the quality assurance system at SD Muhammadiyah Program Khusus Surakarta was carried out by: (1) making plans by involving parents as a basis for input in policy making. (2) using a blended learning system by combining Online Learning Materials (BBD/ Bahan Belajar Daring) with technology and information such as YouTube, zoom and other technological applications that support learning. (3) SD Muhammadiyah Program Khusus Surakarta always evaluates and follows up based on the findings of the existing problems.
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