Provision of Remissions for Corruptors Related to the Government's Commitment to Eradicate Corruption in Indonesia
One form of guidance for prisoners in the correctional system (WBP) in the correctional system in Indonesia is the granting of remission rights to every prison inmate who has met the requirements according to the provisions of the applicable legislation. Basically, remission is a legal means in the form of rights granted by law to every inmate (convict) who is declared to have met certain requirements. Along with the dynamics and political policies of the Indonesian government, a series of regulations have been issued that provide leniency (remission) to those convicted of corruption. Recently, it is easier for convicts of corruption to get remissions or reduced sentences. Because the Supreme Court (MA) has revoked and canceled the related article in Government Regulation Number 99 of 2012, or better known as the Government Regulation on Tightening Corrupt Remissions. After the Supreme Court's decision, the conditions for corruptors to apply for remission are the same as other convicts regardless of the type of crime that has been committed. However, the policy of granting remissions for corruptors resulted in polemics in society, pros and cons also occurred. Some of them are of the opinion that granting remissions to corruption convicts is considered to have contradicted and injured the commitment of the government of the Republic of Indonesia in eradicating corruption. the conditions for corruptors to apply for remission are the same as for other convicts regardless of the type of crime that has been committed. However, the policy of granting remissions for corruptors resulted in polemics in society, pros and cons also occurred. Some of them are of the opinion that granting remissions to corruption convicts is considered to have contradicted and injured the commitment of the government of the Republic of Indonesia in eradicating corruption. the conditions for corruptors to apply for remission are the same as for other convicts regardless of the type of crime that has been committed. However, the policy of granting remissions for corruptors resulted in polemics in society, pros and cons also occurred. Some of them are of the opinion that granting remissions to corruption convicts is considered to have contradicted and injured the commitment of the government of the Republic of Indonesia in eradicating corruption.
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