Conservation of Local Tradition Kemiren Village Banyuwangi District Through Education
The conservation of the local traditions of the Using people of Kemiren village in Banyuwangi Regency is carried out in order to provide a wider space for the community to understand the existence of local cultural wealth which is increasingly being recognized by the world because of its uniqueness. The local cultural wisdom possessed by the Using people is believed to be unique because it thoroughly involves elements of society to support each other in efforts to preserve this culture. Besides that, there is a process of developing some types of local culture, modifications, additions, and refinements are added value to the existence of the local culture in the context of people's lives. The purpose of this study was to identify and describe the implementation of learning at the educational level through the conservation of local traditions of the using Banyuwangi community. The massive recognition process can be carried out through classroom learning which will have a direct impact on children as the next generation of local traditions. This research on local traditions is qualitative research. In the research process, researchers used observation guidelines in field observations in order to obtain supporting data relevant to the research problem. In addition, researchers used data collection tools in the form of notebooks, interview guides and other observational tools during the research process. The expected result of the research is the creation of regular patterns regarding the conservation of local traditions towards learning in elementary schools. Implementation on students is expected to perpetuate local traditions in the midst of global cultural developments.
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