The Influence of Role Ambiguity and Role Conflict on Job Stress and Cyber loafing of Employees at the Department of Communication, Information and Encryption, East Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia
This study aims to prove four hypotheses about the effect of Role Ambiguity and Role Conflict on Cyber-loafing and Job Stress, respectively. Using a positivist paradigm approach emphasizing causal relationships, primary data was collected on all population members totaling 78 employees or by the census. Meanwhile, secondary data was obtained from documents available at the Office of Communication, Information, and Encryption, East Lombok Regency. Data collection tools used questionnaires in the form of closed questions and interviews to conduct in-depth interviews. The collected data was then processed using descriptive and inferential statistics as a Partial Least square. The results showed that all hypotheses proved to have a positive and significant effect. It means that the higher the Role Ambiguity and Role Conflict perceived by the employees, the higher the cyber-loafing behavior shown. On the other hand, if the value is lower. In addition, the higher the role ambiguity and conflict, the higher the job stress the employees feel.
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