Development of Learning Media Based on Prezi on Sociology Subject at 11th Grade of Social Program
This research is aimed to make a proper learning media using application of prezi. The application can be used in learning process and helps the students to learn sociology subject especially on the material of conflict, violence and its solution. The research method was method of Research and Development (R&D). The procedure of learning media development was based on perspective of Alessi and Trollip (2001). It consisted of 2 development attributes, namely planning, design and development. This research was conducted in SMA N 1 Sukoharjo. Planning was conducted through the procedure of planning and development which consisted of necessity analysis and media design. The steps of product designing was conducted through media and content material selection, validation, revision and testing. The criteria of success in this development research reffered to the success of expert validation and product testing. This research shows that learning media of prezi belongs to proper category if it is reviewed from: (1) material aspect, the score is 95% (very good), (2) media aspect, the score is 85% (very good). The result of properness testing to the university students on each person obtained total score of 78, 53% (good). On the testing of small group, it obtained total score of 80,82% (good).
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