Quality of M-5 Agronomy Characteristics of Black Rice Induction Mutation to Get a Short Rods
Local black rice is a genetic potential that is very potential and strategic to be developed in the future. In fact, if the short comings (production age> 165 days and higher> 150 cm) can be improved it will obviously be better, both in economic value and in terms of supporting the national food security program. Therefore, the effort to preserve and genetic improvement of local black rice which is a genetic wealth asset needs to be done. The purpose of this study was to obtain an overview of agronomic characters and production potential in several semi-dwarf lines of black rice. In this study, through gamma-induced mutation 18 strategic mutant rice lines have been produced with strategic expectations (more early maturing / 30-40 days faster harvest compared to the original variety, and lower / 50-65 cm posture) which are the result of improvement. genetic local black rice from West Sumatra. These strategic expectations of mutant rice strains have pera taste preferences, so that they have the taste preferences of the people of West Sumatra.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v10i1.4256
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