Story Beyond Conflict in Mesuji
Conflict in Lampung, is a conflict that is triggered by various things, including agrarian/land issues and differences in social class. The conflict that occurred in Mesuji Lampung has a historical background originating from the right to manage land specifically for customary land called "Register 45". From the conflict cases that occurred, it can be seen that there was a change in the conflict in Mesuji, especially "Register 45". In detail, the causes of the conflict are forced or secret land acquisition, land occupation, access to land processing, state policies, compensation, environmental damage, spatial planning of customary rights, unclear areas, changes in use rights allocation, marginalized communities and poverty, certification, abuse of transmigration programs, and not involving the community. This study aims to provide brief story beyond ethnical conflict that is happened in Mesuji, Lampung. Method that is used in this research is discourse analysis by describing numerous factors that stimulate the occurrence of conflict in Mesuji. It can be concluded that the ethnic conflict that occurred in Mesuji was triggered by the struggle for the right to use land at "Register 45". Furthermore, the conflict escalated due to the weak presence of the state in the conflict, including the absence of strict rules governing land issues in Mesuji which became the source of conflict problems.
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