Judgment of the Problem-Based Learning Model with Blended Learning in EFL Academic Reading

Hijril Ismail, Edi Edi


Judgment is carried out to assess the feasibility of the learning model that has been developed. The research aims to analyze the experts’ assessment of the problem-based learning model with blended learning in EFL academic reading. The research design used is a qualitative method. Seventy statements of a questionnaire were utilized for collecting the data, and three experts are considered respondents of the research. A qualitative descriptive was applied to analyze the data. The result showed that four variables, namely syntax of the PBL model with blended learning, social system, reaction principle, support system, learning impacts, and companion impact, were distributed to the respondents who answered strong agree and agree. The authors recommended that students and educators can use this learning model to facilitate EFL academic reading teaching and learning.Judgment is carried out to assess the feasibility of the learning model that has been developed. The research aims to analyze the experts’ assessment of the problem-based learning model with blended learning in EFL academic reading. The research design used is a qualitative method. Seventy statements of a questionnaire were utilized for collecting the data, and three experts are considered respondents of the research. A qualitative descriptive was applied to analyze the data. The result showed that four variables, namely syntax of the PBL model with blended learning, social system, reaction principle, support system, learning impacts, and companion impact, were distributed to the respondents who answered strong agree and agree. The authors recommended that students and educators can use this learning model to facilitate EFL academic reading teaching and learning.


Judgment; Problem-Based Learning; Blended Learning; EFL; Academic Reading

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v9i12.4253


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